Custom Query (134 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 134)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#186 Connect string for rasdaman enterprise does not allow for localhost defect trivial DEB
#323 Integration with Debian package at DebianGis Alex Dumitru task major Future DEB
#25 configuration files should be installed into /etc defect major applications
#34 remove --contents option from directql Dimitar Misev enhancement trivial Future applications
#46 Petascope integration with Rasdaman cj defect minor applications
#900 Access restriction to updates in WCS client Vlad Merticariu defect critical 9.1 applications
#1279 Replace the JSP files in wcs-client/app/admin with equivalent JS/HTML/CSS files Bang Pham Huu defect trivial 10.0 applications
#339 Default compilation of netcdf and hdf Dimitar Misev defect minor 8.4.2 build system
#354 Experimental copy of petascope while patchmanager gets upgraded Dimitar Misev task blocker build system
#942 header files should be installed in include/rasdaman subdir Dimitar Misev enhancement minor 10.0 build system
#1287 compile error on CentOS 6 / gcc 4.4 Alex Toader defect major 9.2 build system
#1320 Embedding netcdf compilation in rasdaman Dimitar Misev enhancement major Future build system
#1225 Refactor catalogmgr/autogen_ops.* enhancement trivial Future catalogmgr
#8 conversion tor() not work defect minor Future conversion
#18 Conversion bug--jpeg tiff bmp hdf input and out do not match defect major conversion
#35 png() defect major conversion
#50 Makefile to test HDF conversion task major conversion
#116 Specify samples to be imported from a multiband TIFF Dimitar Misev enhancement major Future conversion
#136 Rasdaman and libpng15 Vlad Merticariu defect minor Future conversion
#904 rasdaman should implement OGC 12-100r1 (GeoTIFF) Peter Baumann enhancement major Future conversion
#1856 Rasql_hierarchical metadata as extra parameters of encode() dkamov enhancement major 10.0 conversion
#2049 non-aligned writes in httpserver defect major 10.0 httpserver
#138 x and y axes swapped inserting 2D grid into rasdaman Dimitar Misev defect major 8.4 insertutils
#1 RasJ communication bug defect major java
#1499 Slow database-connection from Java Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.4 java
#622 rasdaman 9.0 fails when the database is not update Kinga Lipskoch defect major 9.0.x lockmgr
#52 Installation (configure) bug Peter Baumann defect minor manuals_and_examples
#297 Move the tracnav navigation menu to the left of the home page abeccati enhancement trivial manuals_and_examples
#715 Update petascope dev slides Alex Dumitru enhancement minor Future manuals_and_examples
#163 Access WCS 2.0 via ArcMap Dimitar Misev enhancement major 8.4 petascope
#194 WCPS generalCondenseExpr syntax not recognised Dimitar Misev defect major 8.4 petascope
#214 Include broadcasting rules from numpy into WCPS abeccati enhancement minor Future petascope
#221 Include WCS conformance test into systemtest Jinsongdi Yu enhancement major 9.0.x petascope
#268 Petascope streaming results Dimitar Misev enhancement major 10.0 petascope
#282 PNG encoding does not recognize band labeling Piero Campalani defect trivial petascope
#315 Allow services to specify which CRS the service will offer in the GetCapabilities response abeccati enhancement minor Future petascope
#331 WMS to support publication of slices of a coverage abeccati feature major Future petascope
#332 Support for time in GML coverage output abeccati defect major 9.0 petascope
#501 Multipoint request handling to be scalable for non 3D CRSs Piero Campalani enhancement minor Future petascope
#504 Unit tests for petascopedb triggers, utilities and migration script Piero Campalani enhancement major Future petascope
#596 WCPS1.5_WCPS Interval expression to actually support mathematical expressions Vlad Merticariu defect major 10.0 petascope
#597 Using custom axis names in coverage constructor WCPS queries Piero Campalani defect major petascope
#663 JUnit test for CrsUtil class Alex Dumitru defect major 9.3 petascope
#666 Wrong GeoTIFF output for WCS subsetting Vlad Merticariu defect minor 8.5.3 petascope
#679 Support for gml:CompoundCRS Dimitar Misev enhancement minor Future petascope
#690 WCPS Subsetting/Slicings for TIN coverages Alireza enhancement major 9.0.x petascope
#691 WCS Subsetting/Slicings for TIN coverages Alireza enhancement major 9.0.x petascope
#708 SECORE support proj4 to support transformation to customized CRS Dimitar Misev defect major 10.0 petascope
#763 WCS response not sliced upon slicing Alireza defect major 9.0.x petascope
#1140 CITE testing VM Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.4 petascope
#1163 NoSuchElementException error in petascope defect major 9.2 petascope
#1451 Petacope_Refactoring AbstractFormatExtension to mantainable methods defect minor 10.0 petascope
#1476 Remove GML response building in WCS Andrei Badoi defect major 9.4 petascope
#1500 petascope should set up rasql connection once Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.4 petascope
#1588 WMS_Support pyramid levels for big coverage as a layer in Petascope enhancement major 9.5 petascope
#1669 remove empty javadoc comments Bang Pham Huu defect major Future petascope
#1728 Petascope_Cannot load GDAL JNI on Centos 7 with SELinux enabled Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.6 petascope
#1837 Petascope_No need to send rasql to get sdom() for clipped output's domain if possible Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.7 petascope
#1994 Petascope/SECORE add requesting IP address in petascope/secore.log Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.8 petascope
#2235 Petascope - cannot deploy multiple rasdaman.war in one tomcat because of failed loading gdal-java Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 11.0 petascope
#2237 Petascope - cannot redeploy on tomcat with error gdal-java JNI Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 11.0 petascope
#2395 Petascope - rasql servlet returns metadata queries in JSON format with containerFormat=json Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 10.0 petascope
#155 flip operation Peter Baumann enhancement minor Future qlparser
#228 Add function in rasql to rotate objects Dimitar Misev enhancement minor Future qlparser
#290 stats() function in rasdaman Dimitar Misev feature minor qlparser
#479 Handling of NaN values in rasql Dimitar Misev defect major 9.0 qlparser
#853 nary operation doesn't support binary operation Dimitar Misev defect major 9.0.x qlparser
#972 WCPS1.5_aggregated condense fails when subsetting outside coverage bounds Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.0 qlparser
#991 marray iterator syntax not properly supported Vlad Zamfir defect major 9.1.x qlparser
#2207 Case evaluation model for div and mod. apercov defect major 10.0 qlparser
#997 Remove getpass from the code Dimitar Misev enhancement minor Future rascontrol
#998 Introduce option for choosing the algorithm used for encrypting passwords in rascontrol Alex Toader enhancement minor 9.1.x rascontrol
#2270 Rasdapy3 --out string gives error when used with binary data apercov defect minor Future rasdapy
#2308 Rasdapy3 works poorly with postgres DB. Dimitar Misev defect minor 10.0 rasdapy
#121 bug in rasdl parser Dimitar Misev defect minor Future rasdl
#321 Provide support for nested arrays with rasdl datatypes Dimitar Misev feature minor Future rasdl
#481 rasdl's --database parameter ignored Dimitar Misev defect trivial 9.2 rasdl
#130 rasgeo segfault on non-matching types herziga@… defect minor 10.0 rasgeo
#131 rasgeo imports MDD with wrong spatial domain if nm_meta not present Alexander Herzig defect major 8.5 rasgeo
#165 Specify rasimport connection on the command-line abeccati task minor 9.0.x rasgeo
#319 rasimport resets axis names after updating a cube Alexander Herzig defect major 8.5.3 rasgeo
#627 CRS support with rasimport Alexander Herzig defect critical 8.5.3 rasgeo
#723 Make rasgeo report wrong command line inputs Alexander Herzig defect minor Future rasgeo
#727 raserase when metadata deletion fails Piero Campalani defect major 9.0.x rasgeo
#728 rasimport - dissatisfactory CRS handling Alexander Herzig defect major Future rasgeo
#234 Test rasimport with large file and small server countdown Dimitar Misev defect major Future rasmgr
#252 Segfault when rasserver is restarted Dimitar Misev defect minor Future rasmgr
#1077 Rasdaman protocol benchmark Dimitar Misev defect major Future rasnet
#1102 Tiling code in rasodmg Dimitar Misev defect major 10.0 rasodmg
#1594 regular tiling doesn't work with negative indices? bbell defect major 10.0 rasodmg
#1390 Rasql_Nodata values with list in GTIFF returns wrong values when shown by gdalinfo Dimitar Misev defect major 10.0 rasql
#1473 Rasql_Check jpeg2000 values consistently defect minor 10.0 rasql
#1526 Put the crs variable to netCDF output defect minor 10.0 rasql
#1912 Rasql_Encoding in JPEG2000 failed Dimitar Misev defect major 9.8 rasql
#101 Per collection management of "no data" value enhancement minor rasserver
#1146 should check RASBASE directory exists first Alex Toader defect minor 9.2 rasserver
#1328 log file too verbose Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.3 rasserver
#2191 Rasql - wrong error message for encoding apercov defect minor 10.0 rasserver
#2804 NEW - rasql supports overlay in rasql general condenser and supports multiple axis iterators variables Dimitar Misev enhancement major 10.3 rasserver
#257 raswct event names as constants Vlad Merticariu task trivial 9.0.x raswct
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