Custom Query (16 matches)


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Status: closed (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1112 grpc use Dimitar Misev defect blocker development invalid
#1135 Rasdaman should not compile with -g3 when not in debug George Merticariu defect critical development fixed
#910 WCS ProcessRequest does not work on Webkit browsers Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#919 Memory leaks Dimitar Misev defect major development fixed
#929 Tomcat could not load ZMQ class George Merticariu defect major development wontfix
#1008 Continuous integration framework Andrei Badoi defect major development fixed
#1017 enhanced NetCDF support in the decode function Dimitar Misev enhancement major development fixed
#1078 WCS-Client GetCoverage does not regards to subset parameters Alex Toader defect major development fixed
#1081 Use git submodules to manage 3rd party dependencies that are not included in the distro repository Alex Toader enhancement major development fixed
#1120 Configure script must check for Boost regex and Boost thread libraries George Merticariu defect major development fixed
#1130 Create_db not working Dimitar Misev defect major development fixed
#1160 documentation Bang Pham Huu defect major development fixed
#1185 Update the code in the new rasmgr to work with the old format of rasmgr.auth defect major development fixed
#362 set up a rasdaman-announce list for low traffic notification Peter Baumann task minor development wontfix
#503 not to duplicate import statements Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor development fixed
#901 Trac UI - wrong highlight George Merticariu defect minor development fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.