Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#1920 closed defect (fixed)

null error in Rasql servlet

Reported by: Bang Pham Huu Owned by: Bang Pham Huu
Priority: major Milestone: 9.7
Component: petascope Version: development
Keywords: Cc: Dimitar Misev
Complexity: Medium


Because the collection is empty (insert failed before):

  INFO [09:52:09] RasqlController@80: Received request: password=rasadmin&query=select encode(c, "netcdf", "{ \"dimensions\": [\"time\", \"lat\", \"lon\"], \"variables\": { \"time\": { \"type\": \"double\", \"metadata\": { \"standard_name\": \"time\", \"long_name\": \"time\", \"units\": \"days since 2001-1-1\", \"axis\": \"T\", \"calendar\": \"360_day\", \"bounds\": \"time_bnds\", \"original_units\": \"seconds since 2001-1-1\" }, \"data\": [15, 45] }, \"lat\": { \"type\": \"double\", \"metadata\": { \"standard_name\": \"latitude\", \"long_name\": \"latitude\", \"units\": \"degrees_north\", \"axis\": \"Y\", \"bounds\": \"lat_bnds\", \"original_units\": \"degrees_north\" }, \"data\": [-79.5, -78.5, -77.5, -76.5, -75.5, -74.5, -73.5, -72.5, -71.5, -70.5] }, \"lon\": { \"type\": \"double\", \"metadata\": { \"standard_name\": \"longitude\", \"long_name\": \"longitude\", \"units\": \"degrees_east\", \"axis\": \"X\", \"bounds\": \"lon_bnds\", \"original_units\": \"degrees_east\" }, \"data\": [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] }, \"tos\": { \"type\": \"byte\", \"metadata\": { \"standard_name\": \"sea_surface_temperature\", \"long_name\": \"Sea Surface Temperature\", \"units\": \"K\", \"cell_methods\": \"time: mean (interval: 30 minutes)\", \"_FillValue\": 1e20, \"missing_value\": 1e20, \"original_name\": \"sosstsst\", \"original_units\": \"degC\", \"history\": \" At 16:37:23 on 01/11/2005: CMOR altered the data in the following ways: added 2.73150E+02 to yield output units; Cyclical dimension was output starting at a different lon;\" } } }, \"metadata\": { \"title\": \"IPSL model output prepared for IPCC Fourth Assessment SRES A2 experiment\", \"institution\": \"IPSL (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris, France)\", \"source\": \"IPSL-CM4_v1 (2003) : atmosphere : LMDZ (IPSL-CM4_IPCC, 96x71x19), ocean ORCA2 (ipsl_cm4_v1_8, 2x2L31); sea ice LIM (ipsl_cm4_v\", \"contact\": \"Sebastien Denvil,\", \"project_id\": \"IPCC Fourth Assessment\", \"table_id\": \"Table O1 (13 November 2004)\", \"experiment_id\": \"SRES A2 experiment\", \"realization\": 1, \"cmor_version\": 0.96, \"Conventions\": \"CF-1.0\", \"history\": \"YYYY/MM/JJ: data generated; YYYY/MM/JJ+1 data transformed At 16:37:23 on 01/11/2005, CMOR rewrote data to comply with CF standards and IPCC Fourth Assessment requirements\", \"references\": \"Dufresne et al, Journal of Climate, 2015, vol XX, p 136\", \"comment\": \"Test drive\" } }") from test_float_3d_test1 as c&request=ProcessCoverages&service=WCS&username=rasadmin&version=2.0.1
 ERROR [09:52:09] ExceptionAdvice@57: Catched an exception: 
        at petascope.controller.AbstractController.writeResponseResult(
        at petascope.controller.RasqlController.requestDispatcher(
        at petascope.controller.RasqlController.handleGet(

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Bang Pham Huu, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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