Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#1703 closed defect (invalid)

count_cells produces unexpected results on subsets with null values

Reported by: Vlad Merticariu Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: rasserver Version: development
Keywords: Cc: Peter Baumann, Dimitar Misev
Complexity: Medium


When a dataset has null values, in a count_cells expression containing a comparison, both the mdd expression and the value it is compared against appear to be considered nulls.

I am not sure if this is the expected behavior.

Behavior / steps to reproduce:

create a collection:

./rasql —user rasadmin —passwd rasadmin -q 'create collection testNullCounts GreySet1'

assign it null values (everything above 200):

./rasql —user rasadmin —passwd rasadmin 'update testNullCounts set testNullCounts assign null values [200:*]'

insert some valid data:

./rasql —user rasadmin —passwd rasadmin -q 'insert into testNullCounts values marray x in [0:100] values 1c'

update one of the values to a null:

./rasql —user rasadmin —passwd rasadmin -q 'update testNullCounts set testNullCounts[10:10] ASSIGN marray x in [10:10] values 201c'

test the count with treshhold not null:

./rasql -q 'select count_cells(c < 10) from testNullCounts c' —out string
./rasql: rasdaman query tool v1.0, rasdaman 9.5.0.
opening database RASBASE at localhost:7001...ok
Executing retrieval query…ok
Query result collection has 1 element(s):

Result element 1: 100

./rasql done.

test the count with a treshhold that happens to be a null value in the mdd:

./rasql -q 'select count_cells(c < 201) from testNullCounts c' —out string
./rasql: rasdaman query tool v1.0, rasdaman 9.5.0.
opening database RASBASE at localhost:7001...ok
Executing retrieval query…ok
Query result collection has 1 element(s):

Result element 1: 0

./rasql done.

My initial impression is that 201 should not be considered null, as it is just a scalar, not part of the mdd. The last count result should still be 100.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Dimitar Misev, 6 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Closing as we couldn't reproduce this problem.

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