Changes between Version 102 and Version 103 of Versions

Feb 22, 2017, 7:46:53 AM (7 years ago)
Dimitar Misev


  • Versions

    v102 v103  
    88Alternative ways of obtaining rasdaman are listed in the [wiki:Download] area.
     10== Version 9.4 ==
     12'''Major changes:'''
     13* Support transposing of the last two axes, relevant for CF-compliant netCDF data mostly (documentation on the [wiki:CommonFormatsInterface format parameters specification] page)
     14* The ''encode'' function in WCPS quries supports GML format export in the same way as WCS does. Example:
     16for c in (coverageId) return encode(c, "application/gml")
     19'''Development changes:'''
     20- ?
     23=== v9.4.0-beta1 ===
     25Addressed tickets between v9.3.2 and v9.4.0-beta1:
     27git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.3.2..v9.4.0-beta1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
     29* changeset:e44d3ac | ticket:000 - test not (Bang Pham Huu)
     30* changeset:93ebd0e | ticket:937 added gml output to wcps (Danut Rusu)
     31* changeset:9a8148e | ticket:947 - Scale induced coverage with error in WCPS (Bang Pham Huu)
     32* changeset:b8e4de8 | ticket:1278 - WCS client add GetCoverage search textbox and trigger DescribeCoverage functionality (Bang Pham Huu)
     33* changeset:bc478d4 | ticket:1283 doc set updated to 9.4 (Peter BaumanN)
     34* changeset:c2fed83 | ticket:1283 - update code to version 9.4.0 (Dimitar Misev)
     35* changeset:2be7b87 | ticket:1377 - fix error with quote in CRS axis-label parameter (Bang Pham Huu)
     36* changeset:60ab9d1 | ticket:1377 - WCST Import with check Petascope, SECORE available (Bang Pham Huu)
     37* changeset:e0925b5 | ticket:1402 - fix encode WCPS in new json style with jackson library on Uubuntu 16.04 (bphamhuu)
     38* changeset:126fcde | ticket:1403 A complete solution to transposition of the last two indices in netcdf conversion. (Brennan Bell)
     39* changeset:d4fbedc | ticket:1420 - add grib files to test wcst_import (Bang Pham Huu)
     40* changeset:8b13d30 | ticket:1420 - add pixelIsPoint option for grib file of wcst_import (Bang Pham Huu)
     41* changeset:d0fd0b7 | ticket:1429 - wrong pixel returned from WCPS (Bang Pham Huu)
     42* changeset:c6fe1dc | ticket:1431 - QGIS cannot load WMS layers (Bang Pham Huu)
     43* changeset:972d808 | ticket:1436 - WCPS encode netCDF with customizable range name (Bang Pham Huu)
     44* changeset:579e666 | ticket:1437 - check WCPS metadata propagation (Bang Pham Huu)
     45* changeset:65f0f05 | ticket:1444 - validate the number of CRS axes and grid axes when updating coverage (Bang Pham Huu)
     46* changeset:6ecec17 | ticket:1446 - WCPS encode in JSON (BangPH)
     47* changeset:80880fd | ticket:1447 - remove redundant test case wcst_import (Bang Pham Huu)
     48* changeset:3f3cd16 | ticket:1450 - Delete coverage metadata when corresponding collection does not exist (Bang Pham Huu)
     49* changeset:6084f3b | ticket:1454 - Uncheck GetCapabilities test cases from known_fails and validate XML WCS 2.0.1 test cases (Bang Pham Huu)
     50* changeset:946d49a | ticket:1455 - wcst import add nodata values from image if they are not specified in ingredient files (Bang Pham Huu)
     51* changeset:4312ab4 | ticket:1458 - clean petascope log from grpc much less necessary information, remove redundant information and log WCPS Processing error with stacktrace for debugging (Bang Pham Huu)
     52* changeset:da44eaa | ticket:1460 - add epsilon in query coefficient to support old imported coverage (Bang Pham Huu)
     53* changeset:787e797 | ticket:1463 - tiff conversion not supported? (Brennan Bell)
     54* changeset:102071b | ticket:1468 - Test various time values of importer coverages and fixed error for fractional seconds (Bang Pham Huu)
     55* changeset:c9df566 | ticket:1469 - Validate WCS client for ProcessCoverage and download result in file (Bang Pham Huu)
     56* changeset:842312c | ticket:1470 - update system test to check image output and oracle files properly (Bang Pham Huu)
     57* changeset:d847a1a | ticket:1470 - Using gdalinfo to compare image from output and oracle in system test (Bang Pham Huu)
     58* changeset:bca6df2 | ticket:1471 - fix encoding WCPS null metadata for condenser (Bang Pham Huu)
     59* changeset:2c800cb | ticket:1471 - WCPS fix encode json problem and advertise csv, json in WCS services (Bang Pham Huu)
     60* changeset:8f636d8 | ticket:1477 - error when encoding compound CRS in WCPS gml (Bang Pham Huu)
     61* changeset:a8d40aa | ticket:1483 - fix memory leak occuring during ingestion with the Java API (Dimitar Misev)
     62* changeset:c0a21dc | ticket:1484 - use RASMGR_PORT variable in start/ for easier port changing (Dimitar Misev)
     63* changeset:6d5fd17 | ticket:1489 Fixed the build-files (Annabelle Nasiri)
    1066== Version 9.3 ==