Changes between Version 209 and Version 210 of Versions

Mar 26, 2022, 7:19:15 AM (2 years ago)
Dimitar Misev


  • Versions

    v209 v210  
    4949 - Support GDAL 3 when transforming coordinates with regards to EPSG CRS YX axis orders
    5050 - Allow non-ASCII characters in coverage metadata
     51 - (v10.0.1) Fixed leak of large binary objects in PostgreSQL which were left in petascopedb when removing data, e.g. dropping a coverage, pyramid levels, styles, etc; these objects will be properly and automatically removed via triggers from now on.
     53  However, the already leaked orphan objects cannot be automatically removed, and require the following steps to address in order to reduce the size of petascopedb:
     56# Stop rasdaman and embedded petascope if exists
     57sudo service rasdaman stop
     58# If petascope runs on external tomcat, then stop it
     59sudo service tomcat9 stop
     60# Rename the existing petascopedb to petascopedb_backup
     61sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER DATABASE petascopedb RENAME TO petascopedb_backup"
     62# Create a new empty database
     63sudo -u postgres createdb petascopedb
     64# Change in
     66# Finally, run migration script to copy only the relevant data from
     67# petascopedb_backup to the new petascopedb
     69# Start rasdaman (and Tomcat if needed)
     70sudo service rasdaman start
     71sudo service tomcat9 start
     72# Verify that services are working as expected, if all is fine the
     73# petascopedb_backup can be dropped from PostgreSQL (but maybe consider
     74# exporting it to a backup first)
     75sudo -u postgres dropdb petascopedb_backup
    5279- wcst_import
    280307=== Full list of commits
     309==== v10.0.1 (2022-03-28)
     311'''Addressed tickets''' between v10.0.0 and v10.0.1 with 3 commits:
     314echo "||= changeset =||= author =||= ticket =||= subject =||" && \
     315git log --pretty=format:"|| changeset:%h || %an || %s" v10.0.0..v10.0.1 | sort -k 3 -t ':' -n | sed 's/ticket:\([0-9]*[^ ]\) -* */ticket:\1 || /'
     317|| changeset:e460270cb || Bang Pham Huu || ticket:2522 || [FIX] wcst_import supports null values per band
     318|| changeset:a853b3ba1 || Dimitar Misev || ticket:2542 || add details on patch submission to the docs
     319|| changeset:1b880ecf8 || Bang Pham Huu || ticket:2564 || FIX - postgresql - create triggers for cleaning large objects (CLOB) of TEXT type when update / remove
    282321==== v10.0.0 (2022-03-18)