Changes between Version 194 and Version 195 of Versions

Feb 7, 2022, 9:22:54 PM (2 years ago)
Dimitar Misev


  • Versions

    v194 v195  
    1616 - WCPS requires only one spatial X or Y axis to be set when scaling ([ docs]), and does not require specification of non-spatial axes if they are not to be scaled ([ docs])
    1717 - WCPS and WCS support scaling down on irregular axes
    18  - WCPS supports ''decode'' function ([ docs]) and positional parameters ([ docs])
    19  - WCPS supports ''mod'' function, and domain(C) function for whole coverage C ([ docs])
     18 - WCPS supports ''decode'' function ([ docs]) and positional parameters ([ docs])
     19 - WCPS supports ''mod'' function and ''domain'' function on whole coverage ([ docs])
    2020 - WCPS supports ''describe'' function which returns result like WCS DescribeCoverage ([ docs])
    21  - WCPS supports ''min''/''max'' functions ([ docs])
     21 - WCPS supports ''min''/''max'' functions ([ docs])
    2222 - WCPS supports the ''crsSet'' function to return the coverage CRS as output ([ docs])
    2323 - WCPS supports binary operations on mixed geo and non-geo coverages
    129129- installation
    130  - A ''testing'' repository is now available, with more frequent package releases than the stable repository, but still manually reviewed and hence more stable than the nightly repository ([ deb] and [ rpm])
     130 - A ''testing'' repository is now available, with more frequent package releases than the stable repository, but still manually reviewed and hence more stable than the nightly repository ([ docs])
    131131 - On new installation, petascope will be deployed in standalone embedded mode by default, so that it does not require a system Tomcat to run ([ docs])
    132132 - petascope will use the locally installed gdal-java library instead of embedding it into rasdaman.war