Changes between Version 146 and Version 147 of Versions

Dec 17, 2018, 1:01:25 PM (5 years ago)
Dimitar Misev


  • Versions

    v146 v147  
    3333 - acos/asin/atan are alias functions for arccos/arcsin/arctan
    3434 - fixed compilation with g++ 8.1 and installation on Debian buster
     36=== v9.7.0 ===
     38Addressed tickets between v9.7.0-beta2 and v9.7.0:
     40git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.7.0-beta2..v9.7.0 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
     43* changeset:939978c9f | ticket:000 - systemtest improvements (Dimitar Misev)
     44* changeset:cc725adeb | ticket:1127 - templated systemtest for rasql + ticket:1874 - fix parallel transactions with sqlite backend and incorrect use of LFATAL log statements (Dimitar Misev)
     45* changeset:0c38377e1 | ticket:1215 - fix thread-safety in rasodmg (Dimitar Misev)
     46* changeset:24b15349c | ticket:1308 - fix error message transfer to rasj (Dimitar Misev)
     47* changeset:95e8e92ec | ticket:1563 - fix type checking for case expressions when the then/else operands are of incompatible types (Dimitar Misev)
     48* changeset:5321fd454 | ticket:1567 - valgrind for system tests (Dimitar Misev)
     49* changeset:96f121d45 | ticket:1611 - support for unsigned types in netcdf convertor (Dimitar Misev)
     50* changeset:7c65638e7 | ticket:1613 - encode to csv: transpose parameter is not considered (Dragi Kamov)
     51* changeset:7e5c89f10 | ticket:1691 - throw proper exception on invalid hostname in rasmgr.conf / detect when rasservers fail to start N times in a row (Dimitar Misev)
     52* changeset:7b5fa5078 | ticket:1756 - QGIS wcps plugin: editing a server doesn't work (dkamov)
     53* changeset:b9dd50758 | ticket:1786 - WMS Client sliders for the GetMap request (Bogdan Ciurezu)
     54* changeset:49a1ce104 | ticket:1801 - WCS-Client with background and logo (Bogdan Ciurezu)
     55* changeset:b646e416e | ticket:1802 - Add error reporting for invalid options in ingredients file (Alexandru Hambasan)
     56* changeset:bb70157ad | ticket:1802 - Allow comment attributes in ingredients file schema (Alexandru Hambasan)
     57* changeset:e90246b49 | ticket:1802 - Change jsonschema not installed error to warning (Alexandru Hambasan)
     58* changeset:32c372776 | ticket:1807 - WCPS update coverage's axes' metadata after scale/extend (Bang Pham Huu)
     59* changeset:192cebdf0 | ticket:1818 - WCST_Import changes message about missing netCDF library (Bang Pham Huu)
     60* changeset:c1d7c67aa | ticket:1819 - WCS-client GetCoverage download coverage on second click (Bogdan Ciurezu)
     61* changeset:ab9055347 | ticket:1823 - Petascope supports clipping with curtain by Polygon/LineString on 3D+ coverage for WCS and WCPS (Bang Pham Huu)
     62* changeset:7c3ec3b6e | ticket:1829 - Set WMS DescribeLayer axes' domain extents be the same as WCS DescribeCoverage (Bogdan Ciurezu)
     63* changeset:e44a4fbe8 | ticket:1830 - WCS-Client Validation for trimmind and slicing (Bogdan Ciurezu)
     64* changeset:0819445f1 | ticket:1831 - rasserver should no longer segfault or hang while clipping corridors with longer linestrings. (Brennan Bell)
     65* changeset:dc98e47e5 | ticket:1833 - Petascope supports WCS and WCPS clipping corridor (Bang Pham Huu)
     66* changeset:dbb2be3f2 | ticket:1838 - WCS-Client dropdown history queries (Bogdan Ciurezu)
     67* changeset:f7d6e1fe4 | ticket:1839 - WMS GetMap requests optimized when bounding box is out of layer's geo bounds (Bang Pham Huu)
     68* changeset:13d8105a3 | ticket:1841 - WCS-Client WMS Describe Layer warning message 4+ bands layer (Bogdan Ciurezu)
     69* changeset:8f5e49503 | ticket:1843 - WCST_Import supports adding local metadata from input files to coverage's metadata in Petascope (Bang Pham Huu)
     70* changeset:cd8cd20b3 | ticket:1846 - WCS-T no shift to [0,0,0...,0] as decode(<[0:0] does it already (Bang Pham Huu)
     71* changeset:9a3c1904c | ticket:1847 - add tool to print binary output from rasdaman in the systemtest (Dimitar Misev)
     72* changeset:f13c39480 | ticket:1848 - WCST_Import add colorPaletteTable from an external text file to coverage's global metadata (Bang Pham Huu)
     73* changeset:cca8725a8 | ticket:1848 - WMS select lowest downscaled collection which has grid subsets almost matches input width and height (e.g: 256 x 256) input parameters from GetMap request (Bang Pham Huu)
     74* changeset:d4b03ea84 | ticket:1849 - fix export of large data (Dimitar Misev)
     75* changeset:08f51f94a | ticket:1850 - Fix rasdapy failure on queries resulting in more than 4MB data (Alexandru Hambasan)
     76* changeset:f9c9f9dbf | ticket:1855 - Petascope throws exception if axis label in GML not exist in coverage's CRS defintions (Bang Pham Huu)
     77* changeset:17db38df5 | ticket:1857 - Petascope filters local metadata to be encoded as metadata based on input trimming/slicing in WCS/WCPS (Bang Pham Huu)
     78* changeset:bfa2101c2 | ticket:1860 - WCST_Import should not analyse files if they were imported and added in track file (*.resume.json) (Bang Pham Huu)
     79* changeset:e4fb8af49 | ticket:1861 - Petascope allows to log petascope.log by time interval besides by maximum size and index (Bang Pham Huu)
     80* changeset:348823f6c | ticket:1862 - WCST_Import supports sort coverage slices by descending datetime with import_order:descending (Bang Pham Huu)
     81* changeset:a5b91f096 | ticket:1863 - Petascope supports adding coverage slices at bottom for irregular axis (Bang Pham Huu)
     82* changeset:f507ccb8d | ticket:1865 - SECORE adds EPSG version 9.4.2 besides 8.5 and 8.9.2 (Bang Pham Huu)
     83* changeset:69ae092f3 | ticket:1866 - WCPS enforce encode() if result is not scalar (Bang Pham Huu)
     84* changeset:0bb503fa5 | ticket:1870 - Add 'watch' option in wcst_import (Alexandru Hambasan)
     85* changeset:4eb317220 | ticket:1872 - Petascope translate irregular coefficients to grid indices properly when coverage's origin is not the zero index in list of coefficients (Bang Pham Huu)
     86* changeset:2270a535b | ticket:1873 - Fix Rasserver Segmentation Fault (Alexandru Hambasan)
     87* changeset:077c77b07 | ticket:1874 - fix parallel transactions with sqlite backend (Dimitar Misev)
     88* changeset:79a0efc7f | ticket:1876 - WCST_Import checks coverage's exist from WCS GetCapabilities instead of WCS DescrobeCoverage to avoid exception in petascope's log (Bang Pham Huu)
     89* changeset:a56a6c343 | ticket:1877 - remove support for $RASDATA (Dimitar Misev)
     90* changeset:7242b79e0 | ticket:1878 - fix transaction abort when commit fails (Dimitar Misev)
     91* changeset:2092ce646 | ticket:1879 - Add test for importing coverage from tuple list in GML file (Bang Pham Huu)
     92* changeset:4c8db837b | ticket:1879 - Add test to import coverage from GML tuple list locally (Bang Pham Huu)
     93* changeset:057c51f47 | ticket:1880 - Throw exception for negative indexes (Alexandru Hambasan)
     94* changeset:c9d7e662e | ticket:1881 - Delete coverage should not throw exception if its rasdaman collection was deleted manually (Bang Pham Huu)
     95* changeset:5005d64b8 | ticket:1882 - improve subsetting and fix small leaks in rasql (Dimitar Misev)
     96* changeset:f6d88bc03 | ticket:1883 - WCSClient uses a specific GetCoverage button to download result (Bang Pham Huu)
     97* changeset:4a4d12d58 | ticket:1884 - Deserialize old coverage's metadate error as it is not XML/JSON (Bang Pham Huu)
     98* changeset:21ea38652 | ticket:1885 - Petascope WMS GetMap result'size should always set to width and height input parameters in case of project() (Bang Pham Huu)
     99* changeset:ab458f2c8 | ticket:1886 - avoid copying data in shift if possible (Dimitar Misev)
     100* changeset:71f52eade | ticket:1888 - catch exceptions when dropping a collection (Dimitar Misev)
     101* changeset:abe8ede5e | ticket:1890 - WSClient GUI improvements (Bang Pham Huu)
     102* changeset:8a4183395 | ticket:1891 - AxisExtent of time axis in coverage needs to be in datetime format (Bang Pham Huu)
     103* changeset:1c045c3f1 | ticket:1892 - WMS add project() to each coverageExpression if request CRS is different from native CRS (Bang Pham Huu)
     104* changeset:61363a751 | ticket:1893 - Fix problem with WMS when zooming out of layer (Bang Pham Huu)
     105* changeset:df94d0d5f | ticket:1894 - enhance WMS filling gaps when projection needed (Bang Pham Huu)
     106* changeset:95ca9d244 | ticket:1896 - Add daemon functionality to wcst_import script (Alexandru Hambasan)
     107* changeset:d7ca76af0 | ticket:1896 - Add test for wcst_import daemon functionality (Alexandru Hambasan)
     108* changeset:3debefb98 | ticket:1898 - WCPS subsetting by CRS:1 error when coverage imported with descending order in irregular axis (Bang Pham Huu)
     109* changeset:707e6e1df | ticket:1899 - fix checking for available/free servers to make sure that servers are not dead (Dimitar Misev)
     110* changeset:ed56117cc | ticket:1899 - fix destructor in gRPC causing rasmgr to abort on shutdown (Dimitar Misev)
     111* changeset:869c02395 | ticket:1899 - fix order of db object validation and destruction (Dimitar Misev)
     112* changeset:196cf1d84 | ticket:1899 - fix rasserver failure detection (Dimitar Misev)
     113* changeset:ae4203b62 | ticket:1899 - improve signal handling in rasql, rasmgr and rasserver (Dimitar Misev)
     114* changeset:6de2e2aaf | ticket:1901 - Generate rasdaman errtxts not found when running in rasdapy (Bang Pham Huu)
     115* changeset:2d08cbb7e | ticket:1902 - WCST_Import time series recipes should import 3D coverages as t/x/y grid axes order (Bang Pham Huu)
     116* changeset:d0375651a | ticket:1903 - improve rasdaman transaction management in petascope (Dimitar Misev)
     117* changeset:be108b94d | ticket:1904 - Petascope logs error instead of throwing exception if coverage's metadata is malform (Bang Pham Huu)
     118* changeset:521ae2f44 | ticket:1905 - Do not remove third_party built code on make clean (Dimitar Misev)
     119* changeset:c5653811b | ticket:1906 - pointer offsets should be size_t (Dimitar Misev)
     120* changeset:07e8b15df | ticket:1907 - stack/log traces should not print absolute source file paths (Dimitar Misev)
     121* changeset:57952fa2e | ticket:1908 - test_open reduces output for testing CORS (Bang Pham Huu)
     122* changeset:d15df9cbf | ticket:1909 - Petascope WMS insert scale levels error from multibands layer with data types 'ushort' (Bang Pham Huu)
     123* changeset:5d51cd25c | ticket:1910 - Petascope clips LineString and with coordinates parameter will translate grid coordinates to geo coordinates according to geo CRS axes order (Bang Pham Huu)
     124* changeset:6e604a302 | ticket:1910 - Petascope imports with_coordinates constant string properly (Bang Pham Huu)
     125* changeset:6ab392210 | ticket:1910 - Petascope supports clip LineString with geocoordinates (Bang Pham Huu)
     126* changeset:4b3dbfc79 | ticket:1910 - support with coordinates for linestring clip queries (Dimitar Misev)
     127* changeset:7e5439732 | ticket:1912 - Disable an error test for JPEG2000 in Centos 7 (Bang Pham Huu)
     128* changeset:f06129050 | ticket:1913 - fix projection of multiband arrays with component type size > 1 (Dimitar Misev)
     129* changeset:4de93f787 | ticket:1914 - fix memory leak in clip() (Dimitar Misev)
     130* changeset:1441e83a8 | ticket:1915 - Systemtest - test deleting coverage should return error message from Petascope (Bang Pham Huu)
     131* changeset:bbe17940a | ticket:1916 - Rasql servlet returns proper result for 'select c from RAS_COLLECTIONNAMES' as c (Bang Pham Huu)
     132* changeset:e76f954bc | ticket:1917 - if null values for the source object are not specified though, update should take the null values from the target object (Dimitar Misev)
     133* changeset:b13e1e1cf | ticket:1920 - Rasql servlet null error if no data returned from rasdaman (Bang Pham Huu)
     134* changeset:688d50e84 | ticket:1921 - Add warning about WebWorldWind in firefox not working (Bang Pham Huu)
     135* changeset:1c30bfb08 | ticket:1923 - Petascope will not add missing_value to netCDF band variables (Bang Pham Huu)
     136* changeset:f7713cda5 | ticket:1925 - WCST_Import more informative error message for importing grib and netCDF libraries (Bang Pham Huu)
     137* changeset:6195464a7 | ticket:1928 - Test daemon failed on centos 7 in some cases (Bang Pham Huu)
     138* changeset:e92a6fe44 | ticket:1930 - move gdal-java search in a cmake module (Dimitar Misev)
     139* changeset:c371c7725 | ticket:1930 - print elapsed time to build each target on make (Dimitar Misev)
     140* changeset:5db7e1f10 | ticket:1931 - Not extract gml.tar.gz every make (Bang Pham Huu)
     141* changeset:4eca13688 | ticket:1932 - check SQLite error code for extended error codes as well (Dimitar Misev)
     142* changeset:26233230b | ticket:1933 - Petascope fix MDD type not found when coverageId containing 'AS' (Bang Pham Huu)
     143* changeset:703dc4d38 | ticket:1937 - Run embedded petascope with input path to file (Bang Pham Huu)
     144* changeset:5cfc18968 | ticket:1938 - small improvements in start/ (Dimitar Misev)
     145* changeset:043641df3 | ticket:1940 - throw error in rasj if result from rasdaman is too big (Dimitar Misev)
     146* changeset:91dd2e234 | ticket:1941 - refactor HttpServer and fix minor memory problems in r_Error, clip, condense (Dimitar Misev)
     147* changeset:aa420ffda | ticket:1944 - fix compilation with -DUSE_NETCDF=OFF (Dimitar Misev)
     148* changeset:aee2f6bd6 | ticket:1946 - gdal-java libs should be copied more precisely (Dimitar Misev)
     149* changeset:891956683 | ticket:1946 - improve error reporting on gdal-java loading error, and cache SpatialReferences in CrsProjectionUtil (Dimitar Misev)
     150* changeset:0bf9d6f24 | ticket:1947 - add latex package files for building pdf documentation and update contribution section (Dimitar Misev)
     151* changeset:8bd59ecfa | ticket:1947 - add new rasdaman documentation (Dimitar Misev)
     152* changeset:2e98e6d0a | ticket:1947 - find pdflatex and latexmk needed to build pdf documentation (Dimitar Misev)
    36155=== v9.7.0-beta2 ===