Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#494 closed task (fixed)

feature_PetascopeSecore to me merged

Reported by: Piero Campalani Owned by: Piero Campalani
Priority: major Milestone: 9.0
Component: petascope Version: 8.5
Keywords: feature_PetascopeSecore merge Cc:
Complexity: Hard


Branch feature_PetascopeSecore, which adds SECORE and irregular time-series support to Petascope, can be merged.

This ticket is mainly a formal reference for the bundle file, see GitCreateBundle.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Piero Campalani, 11 years ago

Status: newaccepted

comment:2 by Piero Campalani, 11 years ago

Patch manager updated.

svn diff -r 17:40

of the SVN repo:

Do not close the ticket since patches on feature_branch now turned to PENDING: I'll close the ticket after fixing this minor problem.

Version 0, edited 11 years ago by Piero Campalani (next)

comment:3 by Piero Campalani, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

comment:4 by Piero Campalani, 11 years ago

Patches applied on feature_PetascopeSecore:

$ git lg origin/feature_PetascopeSecore 8fbb1e1..$(git show-ref --head --hash origin/feature_PetascopeSecore)
* e5758d4 Enable CSV list of SECORE fallback URLs in petascope. | Piero Campalani | (origin/feature_PetascopeSecore) (4 weeks ago)
* 52204a6 Fix SQL macros after changesets ed9fc99 and 426f74c. | Piero Campalani | (4 weeks ago)
* 5ee465b Remove local debugging line. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* 1043b4c Fix WCS service version (2.0.0 to 2.0.1). | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* 183ed5b OGC conformance: service provider site. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* 0191bba Fix coefficients listing in coverage description for irregular axes. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* ed9fc99 Let Petascope interface service metadata from the database. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* d8bcb75 Add wcs:CoverageSubtypeParent element in both wcs:ServiceParameters and wcs:CoverageSummary. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* 6bdd9ca Vacuum and content-analysis are not needed at table creation. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* 426f74c More robust PL/pgSQL scripts (SQL injection). | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* 05e1e23 Prevent error for creation of already existing Postgresql type. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* 3f513f7 Change name of test dataset for irregular grids. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* c45f9f6 psql --single-transaction needs a -f option to work properly. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* fbca3e8 Add support for WCS/WCPS subsetting on multi-point coverages. | Alireza Rezaei Mahidraji | (5 months ago)
* a911c12 Add check on output grid regularity for GTiff/JP2. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* a660cab Update my email address in Petascope code. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* a14dde9 Add irregular test-dataset and WCS tests. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* 6dc952a Fix WCPS test #48. | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* d6dcd99 WCS systemtest queries pass. | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* 3db4936 Fix WCS/WCPS systemtest utilities and queries for new petascopedb schema and SECORE-wise CRS management. | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* f312f70 Fix WCPS test #61: WCPS/WCS test queries pass. | Piero Campalani | (3 months ago)
* cd3a7c5 Fix WCPS test #58. | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* f0c5576 Fix WCPS tests #{54,55,56} (merge changeset:791822). | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* eeae874 Fix WCPS tests #{47,59} (merge changeset:199661). | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* 3e8d970 Fix WCPS test #6. | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* edb9d6b Restore log messages from constants (ticket:176 misinterpretation). | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* 3b26fe0 Adjust origin and coefficients to the requested bounds in a GetCoverage response. | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* 36a23d7 Keep point-is-pixel policy for regularly spaced axes. | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* dbf51e2 Conform Bbox class to use BigDecimals. | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* 7b59ba3 Fix CRS UoM labels slicing in a WCS GetCoverage. | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* 3e74d93 Small fixes to coverage description bounds in case of irregular axis + numeric plain representation. | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* b2a21db Add first support for irregular rectilinear axes. | Piero Campalani | (5 months ago)
* d392da5 Remove pgstattuple forgotten debug statement. | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* 6a0ba94 Fix petascopedb migration to account for top-left grid origin (and not bottom-left). | Piero Campalani | (4 months ago)
* 9b664c1 Restore WCS legacy methods for interpolation. | Piero Campalani | (5 months ago)
* 3695ee6 Some first SQL macros for higher level coverage examination. | Piero Campalani | (5 months ago)
* 437ad0a SECORE exception handling in Petascope. | Piero Campalani | (5 months ago)
* 833ccd7 Remove code on interpolation from WCS* packages. | Piero Campalani | (5 months ago)
* 5201c58 Add coll/oid in toRasQL() method. | Piero Campalani | (5 months ago)
* d98c34b Petascope deploys. | Piero Campalani | (5 months ago)
* bcb0de8 Handle 'dblink' undefined_function exception. | Piero Campalani | (5 months ago)
* abf5f00 Add table for range data types (WCPS rangeType()): SWE allowed intervals cannot identify them univocally. | Piero Campalani | (5 months ago)
* 790e4c2 Non-temporary constants management. | Piero Campalani | (5 months ago)
* b26b968 Migration script for petascopedb9. | Piero Campalani | (5 months ago)
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