Custom Query (217 matches)


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Results (201 - 217 of 217)

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Resolution: invalid (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1792 make check doesn't execute test_all_wcst_import first on Debian buster Bang Pham Huu defect major systemtest development
#1868 Petascope remove the redundant element <covMetadata> from result of WCS DescribeCoverage & GetCoverage requests Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope development
#1882 Strange difference from crsTransform of subsettings from EPGS:32632 to EPSG:4326 defect major petascope development
#1903 Petascope_RasImplementation should be singleton in executeRasqlQuery() Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope development
#1911 Petascope_Insert scale level requests should resize only XY axes for 3D+ WMS layers Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope development
#1919 WCST_Import wcs_extract recipe infinite loop and null error in Rasql servlet Bang Pham Huu defect major wcst_import development
#1927 Petascope_WMS applies scale() before project() if possible Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope development

Resolution: wontfix (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1834 WSClient - Remove generated main.js and from versioning Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcsclient development
#1837 Petascope_No need to send rasql to get sdom() for clipped output's domain if possible Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope development

Resolution: duplicate (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1710 Expand tests for wcst_import with breaking cases Bang Pham Huu defect major wcst_import development
#1820 WSClient - Estimate coverage size on WCS GetCoverage tab Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcsclient development
#1887 wcs-client: document build steps Bang Pham Huu defect major manuals_and_examples development
#1894 WMS_Filling the gaps for project() Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope development
#1918 Rasql_Update should add NULL VALUES parameter from source collection Dimitar Misev defect major rasql development

Resolution: worksforme (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1781 Rasmgr was killed after multiple error queries Dimitar Misev defect critical rasserver development
#1741 Polygon clipping test -- test update on a polygonal region. bbell question major clipping development
#1775 WSClient should show extents on globe for 3D+ coverages Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcsclient development
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.