Custom Query (54 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (45 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#247 WCPS domain() returns empty Piero Campalani defect blocker 8.3 11 years
#164 Export GeoTIFF/JPEG2000 with WCPS Piero Campalani defect critical 8.3 12 years
#224 Petascope WCS returns invalid GetCapabilites response Dimitar Misev defect critical 8.3 12 years
#274 WCS scaling fails when there's subsetting mrusu defect critical 8.3 11 years
#278 Definition of available functionality with respect to standards and software Peter Baumann task critical 8.3 11 years
#285 WCPS going through PetascopeInterface fails Alireza defect critical 8.3 11 years
#113 wcs2.0.0_req17_postxml Ernesto Rodriguez defect major 8.3 12 years
#126 Create an script for petascope Dimitar Misev defect major 8.3 12 years
#143 WCPS abstract syntax. Error with scale operation Dimitar Misev defect major 8.3 12 years
#145 Petascope enhancement: WCPS getMetaDataExpr Dimitar Misev enhancement major 8.3 12 years
#162 filter not work Dimitar Misev defect major 8.3 12 years
#170 Petascope GetCapabilities response is invalid (schema) Dimitar Misev defect major 8.3 12 years
#171 Petascope GetCapabilities response is invalid (ServiceMetadata) Dimitar Misev defect major 8.3 12 years
#172 WCPS ConstructCoverageExpr Dimitar Misev defect major 8.3 12 years
#177 1D and 3D coverage metadata results in wcs GetCapabilities exception Piero Campalani defect major 8.3 12 years
#184 List of coverages for WCPS requests not updated unless restart Petascope Piero Campalani defect major 8.3 12 years
#191 Petascope response mimetype is text/plain msahakyan defect major 8.3 12 years
#193 Petascope doesn't understand percent encoded query params msahakyan defect major 8.3 12 years
#195 Petascope doesn't parse float constants correctly Heinrich Stamerjohanns defect major 8.3 12 years
#197 WMS scripts doesn't pass proper options to fillpyramid Piero Campalani defect major 8.3 12 years
#202 WCPS tests failed Alireza defect major 8.3 12 years
#204 WCPS scale fails when there is slicing Dimitar Misev defect major 8.3 12 years
#213 When subsetting in WCS the bbox is not updated Piero Campalani defect major 8.3 12 years
#219 WCPS overlay operator works wrong way round Alireza defect major 8.3 12 years
#248 gml:GridEnvelope upper-corner has minimum value to 0 when subsets are requested Piero Campalani defect major 8.3 11 years
#263 WCPS extendExpr implementation is not correct Peter Baumann defect major 8.3 11 years
#264 petascope should have some memory safeguard Dimitar Misev defect major 8.3 11 years
#269 Offset calculation in DbMetadataSource class is wrong Piero Campalani defect major 8.3 11 years
#273 range subsetting on single band Alex Dumitru defect major 8.3 11 years
#283 GetCapabilities response for non-2D coverages Piero Campalani defect major 8.3 11 years
#284 gml:origin and gml:offsetVectors are wrong for non-2D coverages Piero Campalani defect major 8.3 11 years
#287 gmlcov:metadata not showing up anymore in DescribeCoverage responses Piero Campalani defect major 8.3 11 years
#298 Support CRS:1 in a WCS request for the temporal axis Piero Campalani defect major 8.3 11 years
#303 Check $ use in variables and coverage defs Peter Baumann defect major 8.3 11 years
#305 Incorrect WCPS test Piero Campalani defect major 8.3 11 years
#324 initpetascopedb - error creating plpgsql language Dimitar Misev defect major 8.4 11 years
#146 WCPS parser does not raise exception when parenthesis are missing Dimitar Misev defect minor 8.3 12 years
#154 Proprietary Sun API (JPEGCodec) used inside petascope.wms Ernesto Rodriguez task minor 8.3 12 years
#176 petascope.wcps.* packages to use String constants Alireza enhancement minor 8.3 12 years
#212 Graphical database schema for petascope gxinghua task minor 8.3 12 years
#262 Petascope can't handle curly brackets in an extendExpr query abeccati defect minor 8.3 11 years
#266 Petascope use of sdom Piero Campalani defect minor 8.3 11 years
#288 WCPS segfaults when using invalid axis name abeccati defect minor 8.3 11 years
#289 Update sequence for table ps_crs in petascope creation query abeccati defect minor 8.3 11 years
#306 UoM ID (and not value) is shown in the WCS rangeType of a coverage Piero Campalani defect minor 8.3 11 years

Resolution: invalid (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#112 wcs2.0.0_req11_kvp Ernesto Rodriguez defect major 8.3 12 years
#114 wcs2.0.0_req40 Dimitar Misev defect major 8.3 12 years
#168 implement crs, scaling and interpolation projection functions Dimitar Misev enhancement major 8.3 12 years
#175 WCPS: image CRS should be assumed in subsets when no CRS is specified Dimitar Misev defect major 8.3 12 years
#196 WMS fill creates several levels of the same size Piero Campalani defect major 8.3 12 years
#302 petascope should use encode() function abeccati enhancement major 8.3 11 years

Resolution: wontfix (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#163 Access WCS 2.0 via ArcMap Dimitar Misev enhancement major 8.3 12 years
#194 WCPS generalCondenseExpr syntax not recognised Dimitar Misev defect major 8.3 12 years

Resolution: duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#192 Runtime error if don't supply subset parameters. Dimitar Misev defect major 8.3 12 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.