Custom Query (589 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 589)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Status: accepted (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#794 complex constructor doesn't work with rasj apercov defect minor java development

Status: assigned (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1854 add missing coverage documentation Vlad Merticariu defect major wiki development
#2377 rasql - segfault with avg_cells and decode() 2D file with multiple bands Dimitar Misev defect major server 9.8
#2380 rasql - cannot subset a collection via decode() operator Dimitar Misev defect major rasserver 9.8
#2392 rasql - wrong result with scale Dimitar Misev defect major rasserver 9.8
#2401 wcst_import - supports band's metadata general recipe as local metadata Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcst_import 9.8
#2433 Petascope - add technical document for developers Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 9.8
#2601 Parser conflict resolve - intLitExp & floatLitExp Dimitar Misev defect major qlparser 10.0
#2602 Parser conflict resolve - scalarLit Dimitar Misev defect major qlparser 10.0
#2603 Parser conflict resolve - mintervalExp & namedMintervalExp2 Dimitar Misev defect major qlparser 10.0
#1597 CONCAT should be supported in WCPS? Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor petascope development

Status: closed (89 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1993 Document RAS_INSTALL_PATH env var Vlad Merticariu defect blocker doc 9.7
#2470 petascope - add SECORE as embedded inside petascope Bang Pham Huu enhancement blocker petascope 9.8
#889 excess data footprint Dimitar Misev defect critical undecided development
#1099 Remove rasdl Dimitar Misev defect critical rasdl development
#1201 GRPC fails to retrieve large amounts of data George Merticariu defect critical rasnet development
#1487 rasdaman install script issue Dimitar Misev defect critical build system development
#1725 rasserver parameter syncing Dimitar Misev defect critical rasserver development
#2158 systemtest fails on Ubuntu 18.04 Bang Pham Huu defect critical systemtest 9.8
#2169 petascope fails to build on Ubuntu 18.04 Bang Pham Huu defect critical petascope 9.8
#2178 rasj fails downloading array result on 32-bit systems Dimitar Misev defect critical servercomm 9.8
#2183 Memory leak in range constructor + case statement apercov defect critical qlparser 9.8
#2189 WCPS - SubsettingCRS does not work Bang Pham Huu defect critical petascope 9.8
#2198 Catch and ignore coverage exceptions on GetCapabilities Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical petascope 9.8
#2202 document switch in WCPS Vlad Merticariu task critical doc 9.8
#2205 make unit-check segfaults Dimitar Misev defect critical systemtest 9.8
#2213 rasql: multiple marray variables not evaluated properly Dimitar Misev defect critical rasql 9.8
#2229 Document examples to use WMS with clients and WSClient introduction Bang Pham Huu task critical wcsclient 9.8
#2272 wcst_import cannot handle /vsis3 paths Bang Pham Huu defect critical wcst_import 9.8
#2278 support gdal /vsi* in wcst_import and petascope Bang Pham Huu defect critical petascope 9.8
#2283 test_web_interfaces and wcs hooks test needs to be updated Bang Pham Huu defect critical systemtest 9.8
#2317 segfault during mdd insertion when the mdd type is not a domain type Dimitar Misev defect critical qlparser 9.8
#2329 does not report errors Bang Pham Huu defect critical applications development
#2365 Petascope - Missing update downscaled levels for collections Bang Pham Huu defect critical petascope 9.8
#2405 wrong import of gdal in wcst_import? Dimitar Misev defect critical wcst_import 9.8
#2428 configuration files should be readable only by owner/group Bang Pham Huu defect critical bin 9.8
#2448 problem with configuring H2 Bang Pham Huu defect critical build system 9.8
#2465 Petascope should run with caches as background threads Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical petascope 9.8
#2480 systemtest fails on centos 7 nightly package Bang Pham Huu defect critical systemtest 9.8
#2491 rasdaman logs should not be world-readable Bang Pham Huu defect critical rasserver 9.8
#2494 SECORE - try to create /opt/rasdaman/data/secoredb folders Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical secore 9.8
#2495 Petascope - write the request besides the time to process the request in Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical petascope 9.8
#2505 rename APIs for non-standard HTTP requests for petascope, wcst_import and wsclient Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical petascope 9.8
#2542 missing details in documentation Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical doc 9.8
#2555 petascope - Default WMS style changed behavior Bang Pham Huu enhancement critical petascope 9.8
#2559 WCPS - fix FROM clause for coverage loops in aliases Bang Pham Huu defect critical petascope 9.8
#2570 petascope - wsclient failed to show Bang Pham Huu defect critical petascope 9.8
#2571 wcst_import object has no attribute evaluator_slice Bang Pham Huu defect critical wcst_import 9.8
#2580 wcst_import wrong error cannot create resume file Bang Pham Huu defect critical wcst_import 9.8
#106 use tablespaces Dimitar Misev enhancement major reladminif 8.0
#227 WCPS1.5_WCPS errors when reduceExpr is first operand in arithmetic operation Alex Dumitru defect major petascope development
#268 Petascope streaming results Dimitar Misev enhancement major petascope 8.3
#372 WCPS1.5_Returns Boolean, Binary scalar expressions without encoding Alex Dumitru defect major petascope development
#405 WCPS1.5_Wrong operator precedence with coverage subsets Alex Dumitru defect major petascope development
#590 WCPS1.5_WCPS count operation and RasQL count_cells( ) Alex Dumitru defect major petascope development
#595 WCPS1.5_WCPS domain metadata expression inside interval Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope development
#596 WCPS1.5_WCPS Interval expression to actually support mathematical expressions Vlad Merticariu defect major petascope development
#598 WCPS1.5_domain metadata expression with subsetting Alex Dumitru defect major petascope development
#708 SECORE support proj4 to support transformation to customized CRS Dimitar Misev defect major petascope development
#741 WCPS1.5_nodata encode parameter not passed to RasQL from WCPS Alex Dumitru defect major petascope development
#821 WCPS1.5_Range constructor in WCPS Alex Dumitru task major petascope development
#824 WCPS1.5_Scaling on irregular axes is not supported Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope development
#845 Type management via rasql instead of rasdl George Merticariu enhancement major qlparser development
#861 avg_cells overflows Dimitar Misev defect major qlparser development
#885 SQLite locking and updates Dimitar Misev defect major relblobif development
#887 Partial updates 6D Dimitar Misev defect major tilemgr development
#888 Overflow in parsing mintervals Dimitar Misev defect major qlparser development
#928 Incorrect result of CASE statement with MDDs in "then" clauses dkamov defect major qlparser development
#946 rasnet seems to ignore RMANPROTOCOL, rasmgr.conf Alex Toader defect major rnprotocol development
#959 HSQLDB: alternative backend for petascope Dimitar Misev enhancement major petascope development
#960 embed jetty with petascope Dimitar Misev enhancement major petascope development
#972 WCPS1.5_aggregated condense fails when subsetting outside coverage bounds Bang Pham Huu defect major qlparser development
#973 induced condense doesn't seem to consider nulls Vlad Merticariu defect major qlparser development
#1049 subsetting in rasdaman is inconsistent apercov defect major qlparser development
#1095 WCS-T doesn't support CInt16 Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope development
#1101 sdom reports bounds of physical tiles, rather than actual data bounds Dimitar Misev defect major qlparser development
#1102 Tiling code in rasodmg Dimitar Misev defect major rasodmg development
#1139 Compile rasdaman with libpng15 Vlad Zamfir defect major conversion development
#1157 OIds stored as double apercov defect major undecided development
#1162 Update the example Makefile to work with rasnet George Merticariu defect major undecided development
#1171 WMS 1.3 should create a full extent WGS84 for CRSs that cannot be translated otherwise Alex Dumitru defect major petascope development
#1202 WCPS1.5_Slicing with one asterisk is valid and need to be handled defect major petascope development
#1204 WCPS1.5_Wrong translation from WCPS interval to Rasql interval defect major petascope development
#1206 WCPS1.5_Wrong iterator of coverage constructor from WCPS query to Rasql query defect major petascope development
#1207 WCPS1.5_Wrong calculation which using boolean expression when creating from coverage constructor defect major petascope development
#1208 WCPS1.5_Difference matrix values of bands calculation from WCPS 1.0 (Need to update oracle test) Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope development
#1209 WCPS1.5_Difference between origins of coverages with WCPS1.0 defect major petascope development
#1210 WCPS1.5_Wrong upper bound of geo-axis when translating to Rasql (Need to update oracle) Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope development
#1211 WCPS1.5_Semantic Exception when slicing at geo-referenced axis defect major petascope development
#1214 Rasql_should returns error if try to encode 1D and 3D in PNG, Tiff Dimitar Misev defect major rasql development
#1216 Rasql returns -inf when divide by 0 defect major rasql development
#1217 WCPS1.5_Error when trimming at a point of a axis defect major petascope development
#1220 WCPS1.5_Inconsistence in parsing float scalar and float expression defect major petascope development
#1221 WCPS1.5_Parsing error when using count operator to compare the value from scalar expression defect major undecided development
#1226 WCPS1.5_Error when encode output to tiff defect major petascope development
#1228 WCPS1.5_Error when using abs operator with multiple scalar operands defect major rasql development
#1229 WCPS1.5_Error when parsing a multiple by a mask defect major petascope development
#1231 Rasql_Wrong negative value in calculation defect major undecided development
#1232 WCPS1.5_Parsing error when calculate average values defect major petascope development
#1235 WCPS1.5_Returns more values from internal bands when using asterisk in trimming defect major petascope development
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