Ticket #813: N3.010559.log

File N3.010559.log, 3.7 KB (added by Marcus Sen, 10 years ago)

Edited rasserver log showing successful query

1rasserver: rasdaman server v9.0.3 on base DBMS pgsql -- generated on 16.06.2014 09:34:11.
2 Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann rasdaman GmbH.
3Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
4Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
6To obtain a list of external packages used, please visit www.rasdaman.org.
7Server N3 of type RNP, listening on port 7004, connecting to pgsql as 'RASBASE'.Verifying rasmgr host name: localhost...ok
8Tile size set to : 4194304
9PCTMin set to : 2048
10PCTMax set to : 4096
11IndexSize set to : 0
12Default Tile Conf: [0:1023,0:1023]
13Default Tiling : AlignedTiling
14Default Index : r_RPlus_Tree_Index
15Use Tile Container: 0
16Cache size limit : 0
17Installing signal handler for ignoring broken pipe signal...ok
18Initializing control connections...informing rasmgr: server available...ok
19Initializing job control...setting timeout to 300 secs...connecting to base DBMS...ok, waiting for clients.
21... Deleted lines ...
23Request: 'select encode((((char)(scale( ((((i)=(i)))*(110)), [0:104,0:101] ))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(scale( ((((i)=(i)))*(76)), [0:104,0:101] ))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(scale( ((((i)=(i)))*(51)), [0:104,0:101] ))) * {0c,0c,1c}), "PNG", "xmin=254750.0;xmax=265250.0;ymin=659824.9;ymax=670024.9;crs=EPSG:27700") from glasgow_mgr_t AS i where oid(i)=97793'...parsing...checking semantics...evaluating...ok, result type 'set <marray <char, [0:295]>>', 1 element(s).
25Request: 'select sdom(c) from tno_geotop_lithostrat AS c where oid(c) = 188417'...parsing...checking semantics...evaluating...ok, result type 'set<minterval>', 1 element(s).
27Request: 'select encode((case when ((data)=(0)) then ((0c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (0c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (0c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(1)) then ((200c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (200c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (200c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(7)) then ((255c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (0c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (0c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(9)) then ((255c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (255c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (255c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(14)) then ((149c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (0c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (148c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(16)) then ((254c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (168c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (0c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(20)) then ((23c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (250c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (255c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(26)) then ((255c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (255c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (0c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(33)) then ((255c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (235c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (0c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(34)) then ((147c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (112c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (219c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(39)) then ((176c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (48c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (96c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(47)) then ((255c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (127c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (80c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(48)) then ((231c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (142c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (79c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(49)) then ((178c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (178c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (178c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(59)) then ((255c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (165c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (0c) * {0c,0c,1c}) when ((data)=(62)) then ((107c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (142c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (35c) * {0c,0c,1c}) else ((0c) * {1c,0c,0c} + (0c) * {0c,1c,0c} + (255c) * {0c,0c,1c}) end) [*:*,*:*,50], "PNG", "nodata=0,0,0;xmin=200000.0;xmax=220000.0;ymin=425000.0;ymax=450000.0;crs=EPSG:5709") from tno_geotop_lithostrat AS data where oid(data)=188417'...parsing...checking semantics...evaluating...ok, result type 'set <marray <char, [0:1625]>>', 1 element(s).