Ticket #1498: ingest.json

File ingest.json, 2.2 KB (added by Bang Pham Huu, 7 years ago)
2 "config": {
3 "service_url": "http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows",
4 "tmp_directory": "/tmp/",
5 "crs_resolver": "http://localhost:8080/def/",
6 "default_crs": "http://localhost:8080/def/OGC/0/Index2D",
7 "mock": false,
8 "automated": true,
9 "track_files": false,
10 "subset_correction": true,
11 "insitu": true,
12 "__comment__": "[OPTIONAL] If a WCST request fails it will be retried a number of times before an error is thrown",
13 "retry": true,
14 "__comment__": "[OPTIONAL] Number of retries to be attempted.",
15 "retries": 5
16 },
17 "input": {
18 "coverage_id": "OAF_w05n25_b1823281",
19 "paths": [
20 "rdw05n25_b182328*.tif"
21 ]
22 },
23 "recipe": {
24 "name": "general_coverage",
25 "options": {
26 "coverage": {
27 "crs": "EPSG/0/4326",
28 "metadata": {
29 "type": "json",
30 "global": {
31 "satellite_name": "'Landsat8'",
32 "scene_identifier": "'LC8'",
33 "acquisition_date_and_time": "'2013_2014'",
34 "cloud_cover": "'20%'",
35 "type_of_sensor": "''",
36 "type_of_scene": "''",
37 "type_of_ordering": "'CloudEO Store'"
38 }
39 },
40 "slicer": {
41 "type": "gdal",
42 "bands": [
43 {
44 "name": "band_18",
45 "identifier": "band_18",
46 "description": "Mean ND57"
47 },
48 {
49 "name": "band_23",
50 "identifier": "band_23",
51 "description": "Mean ND42"
52 },
53 {
54 "name": "band_28",
55 "identifier": "band_28",
56 "description": "Mean ND32"
57 }
58 ],
59 "axes": {
60 "Lat": {
61 "min": "${gdal:minY}",
62 "max": "${gdal:maxY}",
63 "resolution": "${gdal:resolutionY}",
64 "gridOrder": 1
65 },
66 "Long": {
67 "min": "${gdal:minX}",
68 "max": "${gdal:maxX}",
69 "resolution": "${gdal:resolutionX}",
70 "gridOrder": 0
71 }
72 }
73 }
74 },
75 "tiling": "ALIGNED [0:1154, 0:1154] TILE SIZE 16008300",
76 "wms_import": true
77 }
78 }